
Case Study

Lennie Monteiro – How talking to a chatbot led to an award win

Lennie Monteiro is a sales leader with decades of experience in sales enablement. He was considering studying an MBA, but instead chose to study for Consalia’s sales-specific master’s programme, writing his dissertation on the ethical use of AI.


#111 – Five Ways to Wellbeing: Eddie Guevarra

In the second episode of our Five Way to Wellbeing series, Luke Bowles sits down with Consalia’s very own Head of Marketing Eddie Guevarra to discuss the ways he maintains his mental wellbeing.


The Sales Transformation Podcast: Ep 107 – GST XVIII: Royal Mail's Evolution: Navigating 500 Years of Change and Shaping a Resilient Workforce for the Future w/ Jon Nicholson

In the second of our talks from Global Sales Transformation XVIII Jon Nicholson, Sales Director at Royal Mail, explores the history of innovation at such a large legacy organisation.


The Sales Transformation Podcast: Ep 106 – Five Ways to Wellbeing: Carly Ford

It’s a very special week on the Sales Transformation Podcast as we kick off a brand-new series hosted by Luke Bowles - “Five Ways to Wellbeing”. The Five Ways were originally outlined in a report from the New Economics Foundation, and are designed to be key actions everyone can take to improve their mental welfare.